Funny because it's true!

Retirado da Excelente Wired Magazine:

Top 20 Unfortunate Lessons Girls Learn From Twilight

From a male point of view, the only redeeming feature of the Twilight books and movies is the ammunition they provide against female claims of innate moral superiority over men.

Whenever a woman criticizes a man’s lust, aggression, shallowness or any other lesser angel of his personality, the quick-witted fellow can point to the millions of women addicted to the base, insipid, bad-boy-worshiping, misogynist syrup so many female viewers of all ages knelt to this past weekend, when The Twilight Saga: New Moon raked in $147 million at the box office, setting several records.

In the spirit of speaking truth to diamond-skinned power, enjoy this list of unfortunate lessons girls learn from Twilight. (The list operates under the principle that any grownup female who embraces Twilight’s junior-high dreck temporarily sacrifices her “woman card.”)

And so, with an insincere “love is forever,” we begin.

  1. If a boy is aloof, stand-offish, ignores you or is just plain rude, it is because he is secretly in love with you — and you are the point of his existence.
  2. Secrets are good — especially life-threatening ones.
  3. It’s OK for a potential romantic interest to be dimwitted, violent and vengeful — as long as he has great abs.
  4. If a boy tells you to stay away from him because he is dangerous and may even kill you, he must be the love of your life. You should stay with him since he will keep you safe forever.
  5. If a boy leaves you, especially suddenly (while telling you he will never see you again), it is because he loves you so much he will suffer just to keep you safe.
  6. When a boy leaves you, going into shock, losing all your friends and enduring night terrors are completely acceptable occurrences — as long as you keep your grades up.
  7. It is extremely romantic to put yourself in dangerous situations in order to see your ex-boyfriend again. It’s even more romantic to remember the sound of his voice when he yelled at you.
  8. Boys who leave you always come back.
  9. Because they come back, you should hold out, waiting for them for months, even when completely acceptable and less-abusive alternative males present themselves.
  10. Even though you have no intention of dating an alternative male who expresses interest in you, it is fine to string the young man along for months. Also, you should use him to fix things for you. Maybe he’ll even buy you something.
  11. You should use said male to fix things because girls are incapable of anything mechanical or technical.
  12. Lying to your parents is fine. Lying to your parents while you run away to save your suicidal boyfriend is an extremely good idea that shows your strength and maturity. Also, it is what you must do.
  13. Car theft in the service of love is acceptable.
  14. If the boy you are in love with causes you (even indirectly) to be so badly beaten you end up in the hospital, you should tell the doctors and your family that you “fell down the steps” because you are such a silly, clumsy girl. That false explanation always works well for abused women.
  15. Men can be changed for the better if you sacrifice everything you are and devote yourself to their need for change.
  16. Young women should make no effort to improve their social skills or emotional state. Instead, they should seek out potential mates that share their morose deficiencies and emotional illnesses.
  17. Girls shouldn’t always read a book series just because everyone else has.
  18. When writing a book series, it’s acceptable to lift seminal source material and bastardize it with tired, overwrought teenage angst.
  19. When making or watching a major feature film, you should gleefully embrace the 20 minutes of plot it provides in between extended segments of vacant-eyed silence and self-indulgent, moaning banter.
  20. Vampires — once among the great villains of literature and motion pictures — are no longer scary. In fact, they’re every bit as whiny, self-absorbed and impotent as any human being.
Since the writer of this piece is clearly not female, the list came together only after discussing Twilight at length with women who enjoyed and detested the book and the first two movies. Olivia Dunkley, Vanessa Fewings, Rosie Lewinski and Beth Ann Lewinski contributed to the article.

Diz que é uma espécie de repostagem

De um blogue que mantive e que matei por já não fazer sentido.
Inspirado e escrito em Braga, onde trabalhei, aí por 2003...

A musa do café chega, suave e sem alarido.
Senta-se a uma das mesas, com delicadeza,
Como que tocada pela Graça dos Deuses.
Ostenta em si a dignidade e o orgulho de Atena.
Traços finos e bem definidos, cabelo cor da noite
Os seus gestos são seguros mas delicados
Firmes no seu propósito, como que estudados.
Tem o olhar duro e distante, posto no infinito
Perscrutando os seus próprios pensamentos.
Enquanto espera o café, segura um cigarro
Com a elegância de uma diva de um filme noir.
Fuma pensativa, ignorando o mundo à sua volta.
Ignorando quem dela se encanta e enfeitiça…
Chega a hora de voltar para o seu mundo
E mais uma vez a vejo partir, sozinha,
Amanhã, quem sabe, terei eu o atrevimento
De a cumprimentar e prestar homenagem
A quem me alegra o meio dos dias
De ter a audácia e lhe pedir audiência
Para lhe comunicar o meu fascínio
E lhe agradecer pela sua existência
Talvez amanhã, ou num outro dia…

Vi e gostei muito

(Há já uns dias atrás)

relatório de estado

A ouvir Nina Simone e o dia melhora bastante...
Um destes dias, se o YouTube for amigo, posto um ou outro vídeo com ela.

Sim, ouço de tudo um pouco, de todos os estilos e até mesmo algumas produções das fábricas de fast-food musical pronta-a-passar nas MTV's da vida - mas em quantidades reduzidas e quase sempre menus clássicos..

Não, não acho nada de especial nem de extraordinário estar agora a ouvir uma das Vozes Maiores do Jazz e provavelmente a seguir ir ouvir algo refundo ou stoner rock ou metal ou assim... ou então Miles Davis que é outro que tenho ouvido por estes dias.

Sexta-feira à noite foi assim

The Atomic Bitchwax... um power trio do catano, stoner rock sempre a abrir.
Mais um evento da chancela da Cooperativa dos Otários. No Porto-Rio, assim uma espécie de CBGB em versão sobreaquática.

Nem sei porque é que o Dawkins e outros se dão ao trabalho

A coisa foi resolvida pelo Douglas Adams, aí pelos anos 70:

Now it is such a bizarrely impossible coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God. The argument goes something like this:

"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't though of that" and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

Música para gente crescida

Não aconselhado a menores de 30 (digo eu vá)

Lobisomens como eles devem ser

Last night a dirt-heavy-punk-ass-rock-blues-of-sorts band saved my life

Ontem à Noite no Porto-Rio vi o melhor concerto do ano, mais uma vez organizado pelos maravilhosos Cooperativa dos Otários.

Sem grandes apresentações, fica aqui uma pequena amostra da desbunda furiosa que aquilo foi.
Ouçam então os Black Diamond Heavies:

Que MERDA!!!

Mais um dos Bons que se apaga...

António Sérgio, o resistente de programas de autor

António Sérgio, último dos radialistas com programa de autor, morreu sábado à noite em consequência de um problema cardíaco, mas a sua influência nas ondas hertzianas estendeu-se ao longo dos anos, na divulgação da chamada música alternativa.



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